Spruce Up Those Important Living Spaces
Get Ready for Spring – And Spruce Up Those Important Living Spaces
Bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens
We’re inundated at this time every year with new interior painting jobs, and many are for a Spring makeover for bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens.
Most people understand that giving these rooms a new fresh look is one of the best ways to reinvigorate a home – after all, these rooms are the places you spend a lot of time and they are arguably the most important living spaces where you want to feel your best. Kitchens and bathrooms are especially important to get right for guests, as these are two places your visitors will no doubt be using.
The bathroom – simple and straightforward
Of the three types of room, this is probably the simplest to accomplish with ease. Lighter choices of paint color are probably best here and simplicity is often the right approach. What will probably be a relatively small space compared with other rooms needs to look clean, bright and as spacious as possible. The use of darker colors with cramp the area and take away a lot of the feel-good vibe a bathroom needs. Similarly, if the wrong combinations or too many colors are used, the room will look cluttered and somewhat cramped.
Bedrooms: a more intimate approach
Usually the most private rooms in our homes, bedrooms can be used to stamp a more personal color-scheme in your living areas and can be used to reflect a more personal style. Accent colors can be used to contrast certain areas to great effect, and softer, more delicate shades and tones can add a personality all their own. It’s important to please yourself here as you need to feel comfortable and relaxed and ‘removed’ from the hustle and bustle of the rest of your home.
Kitchens for all tastes
A little more licence to be creative would be a good way to look at how to approach re-painting a kitchen. It’s a space with a variety of purposes: as well as for cooking, it’s a meeting place, it’s for friends and family to gather in, and kids often find themselves drawn there for their liveliness – and of course for the food!
If you have a particularly large kitchen that also incorporates a dining area, then that opens it up to even more scope for painting.
You can probably go a bit wilder with color schemes here – you may want it to look vibrant, or fun, or maybe classy, but it should always retain a clean feel about it.
It’s a room that will get frequent visits, so bolder, and not so subtle colors, often work well as they’ll contrast with the uniformity of cupboards and work surfaces and of course, all the paraphernalia of pots, pans and utensils which will feature daily.