Exterior And Interior Painting By Specialists: Differences Explained
Gainesville’s exterior and interior specialists have all the solutions for problems related to painting a space. It need might be for a residence, an apartment, or commercial space, or any other place that needs a painting job. You might think it is an easy job to paint a house, inside out, but a little research or a consultation with house painters in Gainesville, FL will show will calltol otherwise.
Apartment Maintenance Companies or any professional painting providers who offer painting services use different paints for the exterior of a building and the interiors. The manufacturing of the products is also embedded with different properties in them. the reason for the difference in these paints is the need they serve. The exterior paints have to be resistant to harsh weather, mold, and mildew growth. Paints for the interior of the house need to have an aesthetic appeal while being easy to maintain and stain-resistant.
Before we delve into what makes one painting different from another, here is a rundown on the differences.
Exterior Painting
The paints on the exterior have to be tough yet flexible. The toughness will be lending this kind of paint the ability to resist the harshest of weather. Flexibility will be the prime reason that will the exterior paints peel and crack resistant.
Since the weather conditions outside will include rains, moisture, sunlight, and wind, house painters in Gainesville, FL use high-grade paints. However, these paints will inevitably let out organic compounds hazardous to health.
Along with weather conditions, the exterior of the house is also exposed to ultraviolet rays. These rays in turn are one of the factors that lead to the fading of the colors on the exterior walls. So, the exterior paints have to be able to curb this effect.
Mildew and fungal growth are major concerns with the exterior walls. The exterior paints, therefore, have to be able to discourage such effects.
These properties of the exterior walls however are not needed for an interior wall. Exterior and interior painting specialists hence will use apt paints meant for the indoors while painting.
Interior Painting
From the maintenance point of view, a distinguishing feature of this kind of paint is its washability. These paints are made to be scrub resistant.
Since the internal walls are in general touched by the residents of the space, they tend to get stained. This is especially a concern when you have children. It is, therefore, necessary for the internal paints to be stain resistant.
One of the problems that internal walls face is that of dampness. This might happen due to water leakage in the house or might be a result of saturation of moisture in the wall. This is an area that internal paints have to take care of.
The manufacturing of paints uses chemical compounds, each of which plays an important role. Pigmentation included in the process creates the colors in the paints, the resin is for binding, additives lend the paints its resistance to weather-related problems like fungal and mildew growth, while the solvent evaporates leaving the paint to dry.
There are choices in the market to buy paints that can be used indoors and outdoors both. However, before opting for any one of these consult your local exterior and interior painting specialists.